Sunday, February 28

For You, Samlyn Patch

Yesterday was a sad day. My twelve year old cat, Sam, passed away. We never considered Sam as a pet. In fact, Sam was treated as a little brother in the family. He used to be fat, and lazy. He loved to play hide and seek. Perhaps since my legs are like twigs, he'd chase me all around the house. I loved to annoy Sam. Sometimes, I think he hates me because all I ever do is disturb him.

But Sam was always there, for all of us. Especially when I was sad. I would just curl up next to Sam, and he'd lay next to me as if he understood how I was feeling. All my friends knew Sam because he had been in my life for so long. When people came over, they'd always ask where Sam was. When he was around, they'd laugh at him for being fat, pet him, and even say good bye.

I guess, every living thing has its limit.

We noticed Sam's body slowly deteriorate when he lost so much weight. A sight I would never want to remember would be Sam, skinny to a point we could see his ribcage. My dad told me to let him out one day, just so he could escape being confined indoors and my neighbour's never ending renovation noise. Around evening, I went out to check on him and he was gone. He only came back that night, patiently waiting at the driveway for my mum to open the gate. My dad said he thinks Sam miraculously took up all his energy to climb up our tall backyard gate because he may have wanted to see the outdoors for the last time - I think so too.

The next morning, Sam was in his worst condition. He didn't make a fuss when we lifted him in the cage to bring him to the vet, nor did he react negatively when the vet checked his bladder and gums. We prepared for the worst since the it was all up to whether Sam had the will to fight, or not. We were certain that if it was too painful for him, we'd let him go. But with little hope, we decided to put him on IV drips for a day to see if he could fight for one last time.

27th February 2016, at around 10AM, the doctor called my sister. She said that Sam's body was reacting well with the drips and meds. His state was deteriorating, and she told us that the best option would be to end his pain and put him to sleep. We scheduled the procedure to be done around 3 PM.

2.15 PM, my sister, Thoriq and I, were on our way to the vet. That was when we got a phone call that Sam had passed away naturally, due to kidney failure and apparently a tumour. I guess he didn't want us to see him in pain. I guess that was why he never showed any signs of sickness. We took his body home, closing his eyes, and buried Sam beneath his favourite bench in our backyard.

Sam, I miss you. I always thought you'd at least see me in my graduation robe. Remember how I'd usually complain to you how I hated having to drive in the morning? Or if I was struggling with my assignments, you'd bug me, beside my laptop, sleeping - just to rub it in that you're a cat, and you don't really have responsibilities.

But you know what I miss most of all?

Waking up in the morning, going downstairs and saying good morning to you. I'd kiss you, and sometimes I'd pick you up and dance with you just to annoy you. How I'd kiss your pink tummy because to me, no matter how old you were, I'd always consider you as a baby. And whenever it was time to feed you, all I would have to do is call your name and you'd come running like there's no tomorrow. Every night, I'd wish you goodnight - and how, sometimes when I come home late or go down for a midnight snack, you'd be there on top of Ayah's chest watching TV.

Thank you Sam. I love you. Rest well up there, I'll see you again one day. 

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