Hellu. So I had dinner with Filzah and Faa today! I haven't seen Faa in two years (yes.. time has no chill) where as Filzah,
boleh dikatakan selalu jugak lah jumpa. Lols. We had sushi, because I love sushi and I have been craving for Sushi Zanmai for soooo long. So my tummy is very, very happy right now. Anyway, whenever I see Filzah, besides having the normal light conversations, there will always be conversations which make me realize, reflect and learn from them. Soo, I decided to share them here, you know just as a reference for myself and for anyone reading.
1. It's normal to feel stagnant.
I expressed to them about how I felt like I wasn't progressing or going anywhere where as the people around me were achieving things. I felt lost and in a way stuck, pondering what about me? What will I achieve? Will I catch up? Filzah said, that it's normal to feel that way. In fact, she says that feeling stagnant will be something that I may face numerous times when growing up. Something like levels, just for you to buck up, gather back all your confidence and strength to face the world again.
2. Sincerity in actions.
We talked about Filzah's friend, someone who is currently fighting for the betterment of our nation and our country. His sincerity in doing so, despite having to put his future and reputation on the line made me question, "what have I done for Malaysia?". Honestly, I was always the girl who wanted to leave my own country as I have never saw myself being put to one place. But tonight's conversation made me feel like I should be part of the change. Filzah's friend doesn't earn anything for doing so and I applaud him for his pledge to save the nation. I adore his bravery and I am pretty sure, 95% of us,
"golongan belia" are behind him and his fight. Hearing his story made me motivated to put 100% in whatever I do, or plan to do. It inspired me to hopefully one day, have as much influence to make a positive impact and change the world, one day (InshaAllah).
Syaz came over around midnight to just chill at my driveway. Again, I discussed with her some of the topics which I had gone through during dinner with the girls. It was nice to hear her input on some of the topics since we were basically on the same page about everything. Although, I was disappointed I did not get my Burger Ramly as promised (!!!) it was nice to see her even for awhile.
Like I've said on Snapchat, I'm blessed and grateful for the company I surround myself with. It's nice to be around people who speak their mind, and are open towards criticism and other people's opinions. I appreciate having friends those who make to see me and those who spare a few minutes of their day to make small conversations with me; asking how I am, or what I have been up to. Friends who genuinely care, to be honest, are the best type of friends and I couldn't be any happier with the ones I have now.