Friday, April 16
The Rory and Jess Conundrum
Wednesday, April 7
Saturday, March 13
The New Normal
I just came back from a hopping row in Petaling Street. It's been awhile since I went out and due to a lot of external factors lately, it felt great to be able to hop from one restaurant to another to just try new things, talk and just drink. I feel like I've been avoiding the truth lately - just like how I've been avoiding mentioning the pandemic in this blog.
Literally, I've deleted almost every social media once/twice but this blog remains my one and only social media archive on the world wide web yet I have never spoken about life in the pandemic.. and it's been a year? Can you believe that? My state of denial to record the currently "new normal" we live in has last more/if so a year.
And many things have changed in that year.
And I've never really addressed it to myself - how I've felt in that one year.
For many, I might have seemed lucky. Work for resumed as normal, savings were kept as I live in a house with my parents. But as privileged as I sound - I was definitely not okay. Stress levels were at ultimate high where I realised my hair was falling out, my sleeping cycle is fucked up - which I've grown to just accept and live with and I just feel 'another one' in the world.
& though I've come to a point where I can just live with it, I feel like I owe myself to just ask - am I really okay?
Monday, January 4
What a Year, 2020
I'm never one to celebrate New Years. Cliche, but to me it's just another day to another year. But 2020 was different. The world was literally put on halt and as much as the we tried to live our normal lives, there were restrictions. Many, many, restrictions - that Yana and I were literally on a dead end trying to convince the boys to plan a trip.
& we're super glad we managed to do so - because it was exactly what we needed. 3 days out of the hustle and bustle of virtual e-mails and video conferences and in foreign yet local cities to just chill.
We brought chairs out to the lawn before the downpour started - chilly weather, despite smoke from the BBQ.
The gang surprised me with a double unicorn cake - did not expect this at all, I got all teary eyed lol.