Friday, October 7


A guest lecturer from a PR company came by today and she emphasised on the importance of writing - which totally made me realize, how I've neglected you dear blog. How are you?!

The reason why I started blogging back then was to have a platform for me to record; events, outfits (yes!) and routines and vent things which I went through while growing up. It's fun to read back old posts for the sake of reminiscing. This blog was never meant to be something serious, although I love how over the past years, I've been able to share my stories with you guys and having readers who interact and relate to what I'm going through, and helping me make decisions. For all that's been going on in this tiny little sharing space, thank you, for making me love blogging and allowing me to write, write and write.

I'm not much of a storyteller, but I've always enjoyed reading stories and making my own little collection of fiction pieces. My first grade teacher was Ms. Markowitz. She had curly brown hair, a thick New York accent and smelled like coffee every morning. Ms. Markowitz made me fall in love with writing. The class would do book reports, make our own books, and write our own little diary! She introduced me to one of my favourite fictional characters, Harriet the Spy, who loved writing her observations. Learning English in the States was different than in Malaysia where almost everything was exam based. Although we learned literature and did comprehension exercises, everyone around me was more keen in getting A's instead of truly understanding 'The Dead Crow' which I still memorise, by heart. Feeling restricted, I started this blog!

Being able to write freely made me feel like I had freedom to be curious, sit in my bubble of thoughts and evaluate them through my writings. One day, perhaps the 30 year-old version of me would be reading back all my "thoughts" and I'd compare my views of then and "now". I'd be able to see and evaluate change and improve myself. I'd be able to make better versions of myself through my writings, day by day.

I'm writing this post as a reminder to myself. If I ever feel like giving up writing, or I'm not good enough to be in an industry of writers and speakers to give myself a break and realise that I'm constantly growing. I'd take a few steps back, perhaps read this and be reminded of how I fell in love with the art and hopefully be back on my own two feet again - stronger and full of spirit to achieve whatever comes my way.

Good night!


  1. Hi Aisyah! I love reading your blogs a lot! You inspire me to write more. I have been writing since a year or so! But something i hate about my blog is the layout of it. I most especially love your layout a lot! Did you buy your layout? I'm really confused with changing my blog theme ect, it seems complicating. How do you also change your theme btw? Is it complicated when you change it? Hope to hear from you! Have a great day xx

    1. Thanks a lot! You can find blog layouts for sale on Etsy. That's what I did, and then you can customize the HTML according to your preference. :-)

  2. Hi Aisyah! Came across your blog a month ago and sent an email to you (14/11) asking a lot of qs regarding studying in Cardiff Uni. Did you receive my email? Hope to hear from you. Xx
