Thursday, April 6

One Reason to Make Up For All Thirteen

I finished watching 13 Reasons Why a few days ago.

I thought the progression was a bit too slow. I catch myself skipping through scenes and then having to rewind them again just because I didn't get what was going on. I read the book once upon a time ago, but Young Adult fiction was always predictable to me. When the series got good reviews, I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and I feel neutral about it.

However, I did feel like they portrayed the struggles of every wallflower perfectly.

Of how some girls will prioritise the opinions of others than the comfort being in their own skin, or how some boys would want to have fun, feeling proud with ego like no other when they win the chase. Of course, going through high school in Malaysia was a bit different - especially mine, being conservative but I still see things like this happening around me, even at the age of twenty three. In fact, I might as well bring this statement to a mirror because I could predict almost 70% of what would happen -- and I wasn't really shook with the outcome.

What I would like to state though is that if you care enough about someone, never leave them alone. As annoying as it may sound, some people just want a little bit of attention. The words you say may be sensitive and you may think it's "not a big deal" but reactions create different emotions - so be wary. I can vouch for the fact that despite you having everything in your grip, no matter what age, one day you may lose the tolerance, the patience and just snap out and realise how lonely you are. That's when shit fucks things up. 

And you, if you really cared - why did you let go? 


  1. But what if you cared to the point you felt like you've tried almost everything even though you didn't because
    1) you, because you knew this might gets worse? Because you knew you'll be more broken hearted and disappointed with the person you cared for?
    2) that person even shows that s/he doesn't even want to be helped? gave you so much excuses that made you confused on whether s/he tried or not.
    3) you felt dead at heart. "fuck this."

    1. Self-stability is important. IMO, if someone elses mental stability is slowly impacting yours then you should definitely slowly back off. However I would ensure that the person has another confidante or at least the family knows what the heck is going on. Thats a good opinion though, we may be too busy with our own thoughts that we tend to forget the ones who help (or try to help) us the most.

  2. kenapa u dengan ex you break? u both dah lama i just nak tahu because both of u high school love buat i have faith dulu with my ex jugak. i harap u tak terasa just nak tahu why je.

    1. sebab hidup ni, macam roda dia asyik bergerak.

  3. tapi roda kadang-kadang berhenti juga kan

  4. tapi roda kadang-kadang berhenti juga kan
