Sunday, April 10

#B4L Road Trip To Johor Bahru

Just for the sake of fulfilling Pau's cravings, we headed off to Johor Bahru on Friday night. We - meaning the five of us, Helena, Amalina, I'zaz, Pau (duh) and I. After pumping our petrol and filling the car tyres, we left Bandar Seri Putra around 9.45 PM and reached Pau's kampung near Larkin around 1 AM. On the way, we made a brief stop to rest and have supper at Pagoh. I had my favourite Mee Rebus while the rest had Nasi Lemak.

There weren't many cars on the road so it was a smooth journey. 

The next morning, we woke up early to have breakfast at a stall near Pau's kampung. They were known for having various types of lontongs and rendang. It was a buffet style restaurant. Helena and I'zaz both had lontong kering, I had lontong basah (my favourite!!), Pau had roti arab and Amalina.. well she had fried macaroni, hahaha. 

(R-L) Lontong Kering, Lontong Basah and Roti Arab.

I planned to meet my Aunt and Uncle to pass some stuff but by the time they reached the area, we were already on our way to Jusco Bukit Indah. Literally had a drugstore make up and skincare shopping spree in their Watsons before heading off to the Jakel in Angsana. Personally, the Jakel in Shah Alam is waaaaaay better. We were already hungry for lunch by then as well, so we headed off to Warong Siput Sedut which was in the area.

The fish was so, so fresh! 

According to Pau, the place is known for its variety of asam pedas dishes and of course, it's siput sedut masak cili api. It was indeed delicious! I thought their fish was fresh - both the fried and the one in the asam pedas. I'm not much of a fish fan but I helped to finish it clean, hehe. Next stop, Jalan Dhobby! 

Jalan Dhobby has so many hipster cafes! We passed by a few interesting ones. However, as recommended by my friend, Filzah, we went to Kone since the weather was blinking hot at that time and we needed something to chill our throats. 

Kone is a one and half storey yogurt cafe. They serve their yogurts with cornflakes in the cup and for extra presentation - dry ice to make it look cool (!!!). I ordered the Matcha Green Tea yogurt. At first I thought the white balls were longans but they were actually glutenous rice balls which I loooove. We had to chill longer than expected in the cafe since it was starting to pour outside. As it was getting heavier for us to walk to our car, we took pictures in front of another cafe two blocks away called The Replacement. Was too full to try their food though it seemed to be a hit since people were practically queuing to get a table.

We went to Kilang Batteri after Pau and I'zaz both managed to get the car. However I wasn't too satisfied. There were a lot of independent label stores and Instagram shops but some were pretty overpriced. However, I would say that some independent label stores had really, really nice tees but they were over my budget to purchase. There was also a cereal cafe at their food court but was too full to try it out. Headed back to Pau's kampung to rest for a bit before heading to the market to buy the so-called famous #1 murtabak cheese in Malaysia. 

When I wanted to take pictures, the Pak Cik asked me to help make them viral of Facebook, lol.

We packed our murtabak cheese to eat at the foodcourt near Bomba since we wanted to have it with our Ais Jelly Bandung Special..

.. & of course, Kacang Pol. 

After filling up our tummies yet again, we headed to a funfair near Danga Bay. Well.. we thought it was a lively funfair. The last funfair I went was in Port Dickson and it was so lively! This one.. was disappointing. However, we did spend RM 10 on a Pirate Ship ride which was hilarious since the four of them were afraid of heights and I was the only one who wasn't. I kept recording their faces and posted it on Snapchat, lol. But.. the Pirate Ship basically killed our heads since we were all dizzy and some of us felt like throwing up after that, hahaha.

I've always wanted a bow headband which would light up! Oh, and if you can see at the back there people were playing with hover boards. We saw two people tragically fall from them.. heeeh.

Finally, we had drinks at Sea&Saw while waiting for Pasar Karat to open. We played a few games to kill time (eg: Never Have I Ever using still water as 'shots' hahahah). While we were there a man also proposed to his girlfriend (!!!) Being typical joyahs we got to witness the whole thing - and I accidentally spilt I'zaz drink but fret not, I paid him back hahaha. I didn't try the food but.. please don't order the rosehip tea. I didn't like it, hehe.

The place is pretty chill and their playlist was my type of songs - so overall I loved the ambience!

An actual proposal, heee. At first, the girls inside gave her roses before he came in. She cried.. and almost everyone in the restaurant was recording it. 

Few appetizers available to order outside. However, this one is self-service. Meaning if you sit inside.. you go out and order. 

That was the end of the main agenda of our trip. After Sea&Saw, we headed to Pasar Karat. I was searching for cheap football jerseys but none of them caught my eye. I did, however, did henna! I wanted to do in white but the lady said white only lasts for a day so I did it in black instead. It was cheap, only RM 15 per hand. 

We went back to Pau's kampung, slept and left for Bangi around noon. Tok Mak (Pau's grandmother) made us Nasi Lemak which was so, so delicious. Did some shopping at Johor Premium Outlet and we stopped at Pagoh, again, for late lunch. It was such a fun road trip! I had fun singing in the car and testing out my new toy. I'm actually really, really tired right now but I decided to finish off this post tonight before properly resting. So till next time, goodnight! 


  1. aisyah! i saw you and your friends dekat danga bay but i takut i salah orang. you lawa sangat! 😍

    1. Hahaha thank you! Hope it wasn't during a time I dengan kawan-kawan I tengah kusut hahahaha.
