Wednesday, December 7

Talk Enough Sense, You'll Lose Your Mind

I guess I’ve lived with a heart full of love for years, having it empty feels a little bit weird. Even though I may come off bitter, its better to at least have an emotion than none. Eitherway, thankful for this bunch for being with me this week - feeling homesick, torn, and just lost in this city. 

Constantly reminding myself - I am strong and I needed this to be independent. Though we made a million plans to one day be here together, I hope you know that some things are for the best. 

Wednesday, November 23



It's a little bit weird not having you around anymore. Did I tell you, I saw a cockroach while walking back from Tesco the other day? It reminded me of that time we went out for dinner and you legit left me in the middle of the road while you did those sprints of yours. I get it. You were a runner in school and I was the girl who barely cared - but leaving me in the middle of the road at that time? Erm, not cool. 

I think its been three months since I've been here. We haven't talked in about a month or so. I mean, I guess I still hope its you whenever my phone rings. But things just aren't the same anymore. Things can't be the same anymore. I know life sucks, it sucks for all of us. But I heard you're going to camps, and joining motivational talks - things I told you once upon a time ago to do, so I guess, parting aways did have its good affect on you. 

How can you shout at a girl, and curse at her but then claim you still love her though. I can't really brain that to be honest, and I can't imagine myself being with someone who continously does that. I mean, am I supposed to forgive and forget every time just to be reminded that I'm (lets put this in a mild term shall we?) pathetic the next week - nah. I don't see my future being that way. I don't think so.

Negative impacts aside, I guess what I wanted to type down was thank you. For the seven years of ups and downs, as much as you were someone I considered spending my life with once upon a time ago, you were, overall my best-friend. For seven years, you were my plus one (despite you being MIA for two years, but hey - I ditched our plan on that one, sorry). I guess I don't regret any of it. Of course it left me a bit paranoid and I'm still unsure whether or not I'll ever be open to serious relationships ever again, but I guess if I don't, you let me experience such a feeling - and I thank you for that.

See the thing about you and me is that once upon a time ago, we were compatible.
But I guess like seasons, time and age - we grow, we shed leaves, we grow leaves, we fall apart.

I wish nothing but the best for you.

Friday, October 7


A guest lecturer from a PR company came by today and she emphasised on the importance of writing - which totally made me realize, how I've neglected you dear blog. How are you?!

The reason why I started blogging back then was to have a platform for me to record; events, outfits (yes!) and routines and vent things which I went through while growing up. It's fun to read back old posts for the sake of reminiscing. This blog was never meant to be something serious, although I love how over the past years, I've been able to share my stories with you guys and having readers who interact and relate to what I'm going through, and helping me make decisions. For all that's been going on in this tiny little sharing space, thank you, for making me love blogging and allowing me to write, write and write.

I'm not much of a storyteller, but I've always enjoyed reading stories and making my own little collection of fiction pieces. My first grade teacher was Ms. Markowitz. She had curly brown hair, a thick New York accent and smelled like coffee every morning. Ms. Markowitz made me fall in love with writing. The class would do book reports, make our own books, and write our own little diary! She introduced me to one of my favourite fictional characters, Harriet the Spy, who loved writing her observations. Learning English in the States was different than in Malaysia where almost everything was exam based. Although we learned literature and did comprehension exercises, everyone around me was more keen in getting A's instead of truly understanding 'The Dead Crow' which I still memorise, by heart. Feeling restricted, I started this blog!

Being able to write freely made me feel like I had freedom to be curious, sit in my bubble of thoughts and evaluate them through my writings. One day, perhaps the 30 year-old version of me would be reading back all my "thoughts" and I'd compare my views of then and "now". I'd be able to see and evaluate change and improve myself. I'd be able to make better versions of myself through my writings, day by day.

I'm writing this post as a reminder to myself. If I ever feel like giving up writing, or I'm not good enough to be in an industry of writers and speakers to give myself a break and realise that I'm constantly growing. I'd take a few steps back, perhaps read this and be reminded of how I fell in love with the art and hopefully be back on my own two feet again - stronger and full of spirit to achieve whatever comes my way.

Good night!

Wednesday, October 5

Look at How The Stars Shine For You

If you don't know what Breacon Beacon is, its a national park about an hour away from Cardiff. I've always wanted to go there during the day, never would I ever imagined to go there when the weather was freezing and pitch black. So okay, here I was thinking that the spot Malo was about to bring us was a proper place. It seemed to be like a parking spot, so I felt like it was safe. That was when the roads became smaller, the hills became steeper and sooner you know it, barbed wires and wooden gates surrounded us. "Where on Earth are we?" "Hm, I don't know. Just following the coordinates". Luqman was driving, and clueless as he could ever be. Salah and Erina were having fights at the back over old music. We drove, and drove until we reached the gates of a farm. We decided to just park there and trespass our way up the fields. Bringing our blankets, packets of chips and a speaker - we laid down.. munching, talking about lifed. We did nothing but look at the stars, huddled up together since the weather was extremely cold. The stars watched as a bunch of kids talk about life, giggling every time they heard a goat or a cow make noise, or even the barking of a distant dog. We left around 4AM and reached back to Cardiff around 6AM.

I want to remember this night - and though my words may be all over the place, it was pretty indescribable to begin with.

Sunday, September 18

Croeso I Caerdydd

Fourth day here in Cardiff and I finally have the time to just chill.

Honestly, I have a huge feeling that half of why I'm lethargic right now is caused by pre-departure stress and preparations. I had to go to Warta almost every single day since I kept forgetting to buy the simplest things; from Brahim and Maggi mee packets to shawl pins. I spent most of my last days in Malaysia with close friends and most importantly, my family and cats. I left till the last minute to properly organize and pack my luggage. I owe Ina many thank yous since she came about an hour before I was due to leave the airport. We repacked my luggage, rolling almost everything and stuffing packets of Milo and Brahim in any little space we could find.

As soon as I finished my supper on the flight, I immediately fell asleep and woke up above Belarus. Funny thing was, a few minutes after, I fell asleep, again, and I woke up in Rotterdam. I rarely sleep for long hours on flights since I'm a light sleeper but this one was a first. I think it was purely because I was so, so tired.

I reached Heathrow around 4.50 AM but I had to wait till 10 AM before I could board the bus to Cardiff. Once I reached my halls, settled my GP registration, I unpacked, took a shower and off I went to the post office to collect my BRP and the city to buy a few necessities; pillows, toiletries and decorations to make my room feel like home. By the time I was done, I was carrying a huge heavy bag which I gave up mid-walk and ended up taking a taxi back to halls instead. Since the only meal I had for the day was a salmon sandwich which Hatta kindly accompanied me to buy at Heathrow, by evening I was not only jet-lagged and exhausted, I was also hungry. Way too hungry, that on my first day I had already felt like complaining that I want rice. I want Wong Solo. I want to go home just to eat. Luckily, Nadz came over and brought me to a place called Zi's Cafe. We had rice, African chicken (which, by far is the bomb dot com, I can eat this forever here) and simple lettuce with oyster sauce. Immediately I felt like home - with my stomach full, I came back, took another shower and I was flat dead again.

That was my first day experience here. The rest of my days were filled with settling university and bank matters, exploring the city by myself - of course, with casual random trips in and out of Zara and Primark. The city is about 5-7 minutes walk from my halls. Halal meat and Tesco Express is right in front of my house, plus an abundance of Halal restaurants all in walking distance. I'm so happy I chose to stay here, everything is near and convenient.

On Friday night, I turned on my camera and apparently something was wrong with my lens. My mood obviously flipped since God knows how diligent I've been maintaining and caring for my camera. Again, thanks to Nadz, she accompanied me to the city on Saturday morning after a huge breakfast of pancakes and hash browns (by far, the best hash browns I've ever eaten). We went to Camera Centre at Morgan Avenue. Although it was costly, I was so happy to finally use my camera... too happy, that we went to Cardiff Bay right after so I could take pictures.

The people here are so nice and I love conversing with them. I come out of almost every taxi here with a new perspective, it's mind opening really. A nice Pakistani driver talked about equal rights and justice of men and women in Islam, a Somalian driver talked about the education in Malaysia and the UK. At the Camera Centre, Simon, who helped me with my camera talked about music and it's always a joy getting to know someone has a similar taste with you. Knowing what people think is something enjoyable to me, especially when it concerns current affairs and I'm simply in love with the environment.

My new, everyday view.

Anyway, I'm still a bit jet-lagged but my body's slowly adjusting. I'll end this post with a few pictures of this new city I call home. Let me know what else you'd like to know about my journey here! Till then, x.

Wednesday, September 14

It Ended Long Ago

Some things are just not worth explaining. Nor are they worth saving. Nor are they worth fighting for.

But I thank you, for growing with me. For the six years of memories; from sneaking out your dad's car just to accompany a constantly hungry girl her plate of Nasi Goreng USA, to the random beach trips we'd both have just for two plastic cups of coconut shakes. The sweaty football matches I'd be dragged to, and the constant whining you'd make whenever I tell you to come into Sephora with me. You grew with me - and that itself, is enough for me to appreciate you for a lifetime.

And whenever people ask, I'll just smile and say;
"Some things may need a little patience, a little time off - or perhaps, some things are not just meant to be". Thank you for letting me free. 

Thursday, September 8

Time, You're A Piece Of _

Last night, I was doing my normal 2AM routine of browsing articles online when I scrolled onto one which literally blew my mind. The title read, "20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don't Get", in bold. Each paragraph was a main point, followed by supportive arguments which made me realise that I am.. in fact.. in a brink of catching up lost time.

In the article, the author (Jason Nazar from writes: 

Time is Not a Limitless Commodity – I so rarely find young professionals that have a heightened sense of urgency to get to the next level.  In our 20s we think we have all the time in the world to a) figure it out and b) get what we want. Time is the only treasure we start off with in abundance, and can never get back. Make the most of the opportunities you have today, because there will be a time when you have no more of it.

I was caught red handed, guilty as charged.

You see, I had the leverage of graduating earlier than my most of my peers. My degree ended in December last year and instead of spending the following post-nine months trying to build a better future, I spent binge it watching Netflix, playing with my cats and lazing my way around the house. Instead of using the opportunity as a head-start, I lengthened it into a non-paid vacation from life.

My excuses were simple: "I've never gotten a break after SPM (I continued my studies straight after my papers ended using my trials)", "I do have a plan - I'm continuing my studies again in September", "no one wants to employ someone for only 4-5 months". Petty and disappointing with a dash of regret - looking back, I wish I did something productive. I just felt.. sad. The amount of time you waste results to perhaps, hundreds or thousands of opportunities being let go just because you we're comfortable, thinking that there will be a "time" - when there is no more time, as time.. does not wait for you. I chose to not challenge myself and thus, I felt as if I was weak.

Sometimes, when I engage in conversations with my peers, we'd discuss plans for certain goals; whether it involves our career or even something scary like committing ourselves to the holy matrimony of marriage (yikes). It is too often that in the midst of our discussions, one of us would always spawn the annoying by saying; "kita muda lagi doh" / "we're still young". I beg to differ. In fact, there must be a reason why our previous linguists constructed sentences showing age to be "years old" instead of "years young". We are constantly, growing, exploring and learning. Age shouldn't be a barrier for progression. Being young shouldn't be used as an excuse to stay stagnant and be comfortable.

We see youngsters, starting start-ups in their late teens.
We see youngsters, being headhunted by big corporations for what they've achieved in college.
We see youngsters, selling ideas for millions to Generation X whom are always in the search for fresh meat.
We see youngsters starting revolutions.
We see youngsters being vocal about their rights.

They didn't waste time waiting till their mid-20's to start a career or to make a change. Excuses are invalid.

I may sound like I'm being too hard on myself but I hope in the future, I'll stop making excuses. I'll stop being lazy. I want to be the individual, thirsty for success and constantly eager to stand up and say, "hey, what's next?". I hope to wake up, grab a cup of coffee (even though I don't drink coffee) and work my butt off to chase after time instead of waiting for phases, or the "right" moment. I want to make a change. I want to be known for making a change.

Thursday, July 28

Thickening The Air

One more month - (breathes) I'm hesitating.

Last Sunday I went to my pre-departure briefing and I was surrounded by eager faces, anxious parents and most of all - bright students, all about to bid adieu. Then there I was, half-heartedly standing there with my palms all sweaty. I was nervous, but as much as I've dreamt of this day to come - a major part of me suddenly felt like I didn't want to go.

Out of the blue, questions which I've never asked myself swept through my mind like a strong current. One by one, the International Officer presented her slides but all I thought about was "I want to go home", "maybe this just isn't for me", "exactly what am I doing?".

I hope I'm not the stupidest one there.
I hope I don't get homesick.
What if I do get homesick? I can't go back, its too expensive.
I hope the lecturers don't mind me asking stupid questions - I tend to do that a lot sometimes.
I hope things don't change at home.
I hope I won't be depressed.

I hope I don't screw things up. 

Tuesday, July 12

4.26 AM Thoughts

Source: @makaib 

I've been feeling like an emotional wreck lately and I can't seem to be putting my feelings into words. Pardon me, I do realize - I have issues. All these years, I've been trying to cope with dealing with my feelings. I admit, I'm not the best in that department, but I'm trying. I may seem bubbly on the outside but honestly, I'm a ticking time-bomb. Growing up, I learned to keep it all in. Whatever I felt at that moment of time was somehow temporary, and eventually I'd have to let it go somehow. But in the end, it gets trapped inside of me... a bubbling cauldron of emotions. Once I do explode, its inevitable for me to avoid it. You see, how badly I deal with my feelings has caused me to hurt the people around me. I've lost people around me. That's why its better for me to keep it all in. Let me be alone at times. I'll be fine, and I'm pretty sure I am fine.

Maybe it's because I've been tired of a lot of things. My mind has been all over the place lately.

Thursday, June 30

If Only They Were Immortal

This Ramadan has been different than the previous for the family. Both my parents had recently resigned from their jobs. For years, I was accustomed to the "home alone" life. It took some time to get used to seeing my dad, physically, in the morning rather than occasional morning texts in the family Whatsapp group. Previously, most of our iftars were spent at restaurants - now, my mother cooks up a storm almost every single day. The "no food at home" excuse became invalid for random food escapisms since there was always something on the table.

A few days ago, my mum asked my dad to help buy a few things at the market. Since I needed to make a quick run to the store myself, I decided to accompany him. Once we reached the supermarket, as usual, I walked my own pace to the escalator. I looked behind and my dad was left, far behind. I waited for him to catch up, and once we got the next floor, again.. I walked my pace. I turned around, to see my dad - yet agin, being left far behind. Once he caught up, I asked him:

"Ayah, why are you walking so slow? Usually you're the one telling me to walk fast".
"Adik, I'm already old".

Then. At that moment. It hit me - hard.

My head started playing 1001 flashbacks of how I had been slowly observing my dad. How he would now complain of his backaches and shoulder sprains. How much white hair he had grown. The new wrinkle on the left side of his eye. The way he would sit on the brass garden chair overlooking the pond - just like how my late grandmother would sit on her lazy chair, overlooking the busy road in front of our kampung, once upon a time ago.

God knows how hard I held back my tears. I made rounds in the supermarket to act as if I was looking for something when deep down, I just wanted to hug my dad and cry.

If there was anything I could prevent in life, it would be to prevent my parents from getting old. They've poured blood, sweat and tears for me; giving me years of guidance, support and overwhelming, unconditional love. Where else can I find a place as comforting than in the hands of my parent's love? Nowhere.

It may be a bit early, but if there's anything this Ramadan has taught me, it would be to appreciate my parents more. I thank Him, always, for allowing me to wake up every morning, seeing my dad, on his brass garden chair and my mum, beside him reading the paper. I thank Him, for blessing me with a mother who has been adventurous in the kitchen cooking up a storm, and a father, whom without fail, will go to the bazaar almost every single day to get his daughter's favourite kuih talam.

I thank God for allowing me to spend yet another Ramadan with my parents, another Hari Raya with the both of them. Here's to hoping for more.

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf, Zahir dan Batin.

Monday, May 2

My Skincare Routine! (For Now...)

Many of you have requested for a skincare routine video. Honestly, I would love to do one, however as for now, I don't think I have the proper set up to do so. Plus, I don't have the time to record and edit as I am now busy working. Thus, I've created this post to share the products I use to take care of my skin!

Disclaimer: no, I do not have perfect skin. My face is a bit dry at the moment, so I guess most of these products are suitable for reviving dry skin -- and of course, I am no beautician ok (!!) do consult one for better product recommendations and advice, thank youu.

1. R E M O V I N G  M A K E - U P

Honestly, the old, lazy Aisyah would just use Simple's Cleansing Facial Wipes to clear make-up off her face. However, facial wipes isn't enough! Using it alone can also cause acne, black and white heads (due to clogged pores) and wrinkles. So do buy a bottle of make up remover, people! The one I'm using is a gel, water-base remover from Silkygirl. It's soothing and cool, leaving a glitter glow once you've rinsed - so you're left feeling like a fairy. 

2. C L E A N S E

Use any facial wash/soap you're comfortable with. I've tried; Clinique (made my skin from oily to dry so I stopped, lol), Nivea (did nothing to my skin) and Himalaya (worth recommending). I start off with using Hada Labo's Hydrating Facial Cleanser, massage and rinse. Then I double cleanse with Estee Lauder's Crescent White Cleanser (my most favourite cleanser ever. Not only does a tiny drop give you so much foam but it also leaves your skin feeling so fresh and moist). Double cleansing helps to remove more trapped dirt and excess oil from your skin. It's also a more gentle way to remove make up.

3. S C R U B  A W A Y

I scrub my face at night three times a week. It helps to exfoliate my skin, getting rid of any dead skin which may clog my pores. The best scrub I've used so far is from St Ives! I'm using their Apricot Scrub for Fresh Skin. One tub can last you around two to three months - cheap and very, very effective.

4. T I M E  F O R  T O N E R 

I only use my toner once a day because it is advisable to lessen the usage if you have dry skin. I'm using Garnier's Light Milky Lightening Dew Toner. Using a toner helps to clear off any dead skin and shrink the appearance of pores. What I like most about the product I'm using is it has an additional function to help prep for step number four which is..

4. M O I S T U R I Z E 

.. to moisturize! Basically, step number four is the most crucial step when you have dry skin because moisturizers help to protect your skin and hold in any water to make skin moist and healthy. Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion is my holy grail product in this category. However, if you're looking for a cheaper alternative, I'd suggest Safi's White Trilogy Day Cream (which can also double as a night cream). This product saved me when I was having severe breakouts once upon a time ago.

  • Drink lots of water! I'm currently practicing a routine of drinking at least two to three litres of water every day. You may Google how much water your body needs in order to maintain healthy. The results are based on your weight. 
  • I do wear serums occasionally. Serums help to quicken the process of skincare products you use. If you're willing to splurge, Oil of Life by Body Shop (around RM 199) is good. Cheaper alternative would be Garnier's Sakura White serum, though I don't use too much of it since it whitens my skin and I'm pretty happy with my current shade, lol.
  • Make sure to check the expiry date of your make-up and skincare products! I usually replenish my skincare products every five to six months. Store them in room temperature and never under the hot sun.
  • Give your skin a break. Don't wear make-up daily, and if so - limit the amount of product you pat on it. Try your best to minimise clogged pores which can lead to other facial skin tantrums.
Share some of your skincare tips and experiences under this post! Would love to hear how you girls (or even guys!) take care of your skin. Till then, x. 

Tuesday, April 12

Spicy Ramen Noodles.. Tested.

I never really knew what the big deal was with spicy ramen noodles but I remember noticing it once Buzzfeed made a video of daring its staff to eat them. Few days later, I went to Jaya Grocer with Syazreen and there was only one huge packet of it and a cup left. I was sceptical to try and buy it and at that time, the both of us weren't really sure if it was the real spicy ramen everyone was raving about - so we bought yogurt instead, lol.

The next thing I know, almost every week, at least one of my friends on Snapchat were doing the challenge. From those studying in Australia, Malaysia and till the United States.. that was it. I had to try it. I had to know whether it was as good and as spicy as everyone said it was! 

Picture courtesy of Google - if you're interested to buy a pack, find Samyang Spicy Chicken Stir Fry Noodles.. and yes. There's a Halal logo on it. Ignore the rumours.

The plan was to try it with Syaz. However, she ended up buying it first with her friends in college (boo). That night, when she tried it, she told me it was (and I quote), "pedas gila nak mampus". She sent pictures of how sweaty her face was after trying the noodles.. so ok, the next day I went to Giant to find a packet or at least a cup. But to no avail, my search was a failure. 

It was not until yesterday, out of casual randomness, I texted I'zaz if he wanted to go find them with me. The next thing I knew, he picked me up and we were on our way to Jaya Grocer. "What will happen if you don't find it there?" he asked, "Well we'll go to Warta then". "If it's not in Warta?" this time he was snickering hoping my mission would yet again be a failure.. "well.. then I'll burn both of them down" (obviously I was joking around, don't take it seriously please hehe). This time, luck was on my side cause apparently Jaya Grocer had recently restocked their spicy ramen noodles so there was a variety of them! From small cups, big cups to the ones in packets! I bought a bundle, which consists of five packets and gave I'zaz one packet to try. We had sushi for lunch and as soon as I got home, I made myself a bowl of spicy ramen.

My verdict?
Well.. they weren't kidding when they said it is really, really, spicy.

The first few bites I was still strong. It tasted somewhat like kimchi but you could slowly feel the spicy tang burn your tongue and eventually... burn your whole mouth. I didn't like it at first, but after the third bite, it tasted quite okay. Since the whole purpose of the "Spicy Ramen Challenge" was to eat it without drinking any water, I was practically sweating and catching interval breathes to finish the whole bowl (!!!). But once I did, I ran to my fridge and gulped a whole bottle of cold water but it wasn't enough to make the spicyness go away. I ate a few slices of papayas, and still my mouth wasn't ok. I decided to just take an ice cube and put it on my tongue.. and that was how I was.. for about 15 minutes or so. 

Anyway, I would rate the spicy ramen a 6.5/10. Definitely something I'd eat when I'm hungry and have no other choice since I must say, they are really filling! Once you get the hang of it, they can be quite delicious too! Today I made a bowl for lunch and I added some cheese and fried an egg. I even put a bit of sweet soy sauce and it was so, so good. Try making your own little hybrid versions of spicy ramen!

I would upload a video of me eating them for the first time (which I did record by the way), but.. meh. I think I'll do another challenge video with one of my friends one day, hehe.

Sunday, April 10

#B4L Road Trip To Johor Bahru

Just for the sake of fulfilling Pau's cravings, we headed off to Johor Bahru on Friday night. We - meaning the five of us, Helena, Amalina, I'zaz, Pau (duh) and I. After pumping our petrol and filling the car tyres, we left Bandar Seri Putra around 9.45 PM and reached Pau's kampung near Larkin around 1 AM. On the way, we made a brief stop to rest and have supper at Pagoh. I had my favourite Mee Rebus while the rest had Nasi Lemak.

There weren't many cars on the road so it was a smooth journey. 

The next morning, we woke up early to have breakfast at a stall near Pau's kampung. They were known for having various types of lontongs and rendang. It was a buffet style restaurant. Helena and I'zaz both had lontong kering, I had lontong basah (my favourite!!), Pau had roti arab and Amalina.. well she had fried macaroni, hahaha. 

(R-L) Lontong Kering, Lontong Basah and Roti Arab.

I planned to meet my Aunt and Uncle to pass some stuff but by the time they reached the area, we were already on our way to Jusco Bukit Indah. Literally had a drugstore make up and skincare shopping spree in their Watsons before heading off to the Jakel in Angsana. Personally, the Jakel in Shah Alam is waaaaaay better. We were already hungry for lunch by then as well, so we headed off to Warong Siput Sedut which was in the area.

The fish was so, so fresh! 

According to Pau, the place is known for its variety of asam pedas dishes and of course, it's siput sedut masak cili api. It was indeed delicious! I thought their fish was fresh - both the fried and the one in the asam pedas. I'm not much of a fish fan but I helped to finish it clean, hehe. Next stop, Jalan Dhobby! 

Jalan Dhobby has so many hipster cafes! We passed by a few interesting ones. However, as recommended by my friend, Filzah, we went to Kone since the weather was blinking hot at that time and we needed something to chill our throats. 

Kone is a one and half storey yogurt cafe. They serve their yogurts with cornflakes in the cup and for extra presentation - dry ice to make it look cool (!!!). I ordered the Matcha Green Tea yogurt. At first I thought the white balls were longans but they were actually glutenous rice balls which I loooove. We had to chill longer than expected in the cafe since it was starting to pour outside. As it was getting heavier for us to walk to our car, we took pictures in front of another cafe two blocks away called The Replacement. Was too full to try their food though it seemed to be a hit since people were practically queuing to get a table.

We went to Kilang Batteri after Pau and I'zaz both managed to get the car. However I wasn't too satisfied. There were a lot of independent label stores and Instagram shops but some were pretty overpriced. However, I would say that some independent label stores had really, really nice tees but they were over my budget to purchase. There was also a cereal cafe at their food court but was too full to try it out. Headed back to Pau's kampung to rest for a bit before heading to the market to buy the so-called famous #1 murtabak cheese in Malaysia. 

When I wanted to take pictures, the Pak Cik asked me to help make them viral of Facebook, lol.

We packed our murtabak cheese to eat at the foodcourt near Bomba since we wanted to have it with our Ais Jelly Bandung Special..

.. & of course, Kacang Pol. 

After filling up our tummies yet again, we headed to a funfair near Danga Bay. Well.. we thought it was a lively funfair. The last funfair I went was in Port Dickson and it was so lively! This one.. was disappointing. However, we did spend RM 10 on a Pirate Ship ride which was hilarious since the four of them were afraid of heights and I was the only one who wasn't. I kept recording their faces and posted it on Snapchat, lol. But.. the Pirate Ship basically killed our heads since we were all dizzy and some of us felt like throwing up after that, hahaha.

I've always wanted a bow headband which would light up! Oh, and if you can see at the back there people were playing with hover boards. We saw two people tragically fall from them.. heeeh.

Finally, we had drinks at Sea&Saw while waiting for Pasar Karat to open. We played a few games to kill time (eg: Never Have I Ever using still water as 'shots' hahahah). While we were there a man also proposed to his girlfriend (!!!) Being typical joyahs we got to witness the whole thing - and I accidentally spilt I'zaz drink but fret not, I paid him back hahaha. I didn't try the food but.. please don't order the rosehip tea. I didn't like it, hehe.

The place is pretty chill and their playlist was my type of songs - so overall I loved the ambience!

An actual proposal, heee. At first, the girls inside gave her roses before he came in. She cried.. and almost everyone in the restaurant was recording it. 

Few appetizers available to order outside. However, this one is self-service. Meaning if you sit inside.. you go out and order. 

That was the end of the main agenda of our trip. After Sea&Saw, we headed to Pasar Karat. I was searching for cheap football jerseys but none of them caught my eye. I did, however, did henna! I wanted to do in white but the lady said white only lasts for a day so I did it in black instead. It was cheap, only RM 15 per hand. 

We went back to Pau's kampung, slept and left for Bangi around noon. Tok Mak (Pau's grandmother) made us Nasi Lemak which was so, so delicious. Did some shopping at Johor Premium Outlet and we stopped at Pagoh, again, for late lunch. It was such a fun road trip! I had fun singing in the car and testing out my new toy. I'm actually really, really tired right now but I decided to finish off this post tonight before properly resting. So till next time, goodnight! 

Friday, April 8

... And I Was Hooked.

If I was given a chance to describe one characteristic of my friend, Filzah (at the moment) it would be an Obsessive Joong Ki Fan; which at first, I did not quite understand why - but now I do.

It all started last Monday when the girls (Filz, Lin, Lia) and I went to Plaza Damas for late lunch and a karaoke session. Lin had just came back from Seoul, South Korea, so she was excited to tells us about her trip and give us our souvenirs. From skincare, make ups to cafes and army suited men - at first, I didn't understand a thing. I wasn't a huge fan of K-Pop like Lin and Filz (Lia was just lost, hahaha). I mean, occasionally I'd listen to a few Korean favourites (CNBlue is my favourite K-pop band, iKon, Zion-T are a few that I listen to) and watch a few Korean shows (The Heirs was actually how Filzah and I be got close!!). But it was something occasional, so when the whole Descendent's of The Sun craze started to spread - I was not really bothered, lol.

But Filzah on the other hand went to Obsessive Joong Ki Fan on a whooooole other level (!!!). She'd copy paste Joong Ki's photos on her little brother's face (apparently their the same height hhahaha) and she'd smile just looking at Joong Ki as her wallpaper. She squealed and stopped her car by the roadside when she knew Lin had bought her a Joong Ki blanket. Yes, it was up to that point. Her obsessive fan syndrome was chronic. So clueless and curious me just had to find out "what's all the buzz with this Joong Ki guy?", "is Descendent's of The Sun really that good?!".

So I did... and boy, what happened to me..

I watched the first two episodes with Amir on Skype. Even by the first episode I was already making comments:
"Are doctors in Korea all pretty? Lies, cannot be!", "Aisyah, it's just a drama".
"Omg, comelnya dia leave the girl naik helicopter. Why don't you ever pick me up in a helicopter?", "Really...... (facepalm silence)"

The next morning, I found myself watching episode three.. episode four.. and the next episode, the episode after.. and come episode eleven, I was hooked. I kept texting Filzah in capital letters asking her so many questions and voicing my opinions. When I watched episode thirteen's ending? It was 11.45AM and I called Amir, sobbing, because I didn't understand what I did to deserve such a cliffhanger ending? What did I do to be so addicted and emotionally disturbed by this drama?! They had good plots and were always making me wonder what would happen next. Thank God Korean dramas are not like Pinoy dramas which go on for at least a hundred episodes, I only have 16 episodes of dramatic whirlwinds to handle - for I cannot imagine, feeling how episode thirteen left me again.

See this is why I avoid Korean dramas (!!!). They don't give me time to emotionally recover before slamming me again with another depressing or frustrating scene - but they're so addictive.. its confusing.

However, I'm more drawn to the second couple (Dae-Young and Myeong-Joo). Their relationship is so complicated and I love how Dae-Young shows his love and affection towards Myeong-Joo. I somehow think their relationship is more complex plus the additional problems such as safety, distance and father's disapproval - I mean, Shi-Jin and Dr. Mo-Yeon's problems, to me aren't as much as what Dae-Young and Myeong-Joo have to face. During the earlier episodes, I wished Dr. Mo-Yeon would just realize, snap out of it and just accept Shi-Jin cause he's the one who's willing to risk more here compared to her - but oh whatever, I got my eyes on Dae-Young (Filzah can swoon over her Capt. Yoo Shi-Jin in peace, hehehe).

Anyway, I've seen episode fourteen already. Woke up around 5.30 AM to watch the episode and of course, though it ended on a happy note, the preview for episode fifteen is yet again - giving me cliffhanger syndrome. So I thought by typing this post, I'd be able to let my loose and free.. until next Thursday. Lol, I hope no one dies. ☹

Thursday, April 7

Why Hello There, Silver Baby.

… by baby, I mean a new camera that is, lol.

I got my first ever proper camera at the age of fourteen. My dad bought me a Canon 1000D after numerous pleading and persuasion. It was the most basic, and cheapest DSLR at that time. I was drawn into photography because I loved the process of developing and editing photos. My hobby has always been to tweak pictures on Photoshop and creating my own actions. Eventually, thanks to uni, my hobby grew and I expanded my interest in more photo and video editing softwares such as Lightroom, Illustrator and Final Cut Pro.

I’ve been eyeing to get a new camera since I’m about to leave for Cardiff in a few months. I would love to take my current baby, the Canon 700D but its too bulky. I’ve been trying to find something smaller, compact yet has the quality and functionalities which can compete with a DSLR. A mirrorless camera - one which can produce good pictures and videos as well (since I’m planning for my lifestyle and travel vlogs once I’m there.. if I have the time to juggle that and my studies then why not? Right?! Hehuhehu). 

At first, I wanted a Fujifilm XT-100. I loved the quality of Nadine Lustre’s shots and was semi-convinced by YouTube reviews that a Fujifilm would be my choice. However, I thought it was too expensive for something which offered basic functionalities that most cameras did. I was juggling between a Fuji and an Olympus when I friend of mine recommended the Sony A6000. So I did more research; read reviews, tested the camera myself and asked around. I began to talk to my dad about is as well since he's a photography junkie, like myself (coughs). However, he didn't react much because I guess he knew that it was going to be yet another investment he had to make, lol.

Today, I randomly got a text from my dad asking me what camera I had my eye on. I told him about the A6000 and he asked me what other choices I had. I told him my choices, but I was also convinced that the A6000 was the best choice.

Few hours later, I was watching TV with my mum when my dad came home. Didn't really bother to see him come in since I was basically too caught up with the movie and that was when he suddenly said, "Nah adik. Your graduation present". He handed me a Sony Alpha paper bag and I literally squealed! Immediately, I opened the bag and there it was - my new baby, a silver Sony A6000.

I haven't thought of a name for her yet.. soon. 

Forever grateful for having parents whom both, always support and are willing to invest in their children's hobbies (!!). I have a bunch of trips coming up (starting with a road trip to Johor with my friends tomorrow) so this baby, will definitely be put to good use. Most importantly, I have one item ticked off my "Things To Bring To Iceland" list, so I'll definitely be snapping pretty shots there! Heee.

Saturday, April 2

#OOTD: First Day of April

Black shawl made by myself / Black top from Summershop / Necklace bought from some random thrift store in Camden Lock yearsssssss ago / Olive Culottes from Anggun Clothing / Heels from Charles & Keith / Bag from Michael Kors. 

Lunch date with Filzah today - in commemoration of her successful stint with Company K! We tried out a small Japanese restaurant in Plaza Damas 3 called Uokatsu. They're known for having Mentai Race Bowls - so we ordered one each, with one potato salad, cold ocha for her and roasted barley tea for me. Honestly... I was disappointed. Too pricey for such a small, and I mean very, very small, serving.

Anyway... moving on to a happier note. I think I've fallen in love with culottes. I found this Instagram shop called Anggun Clothing by random and since they were having a promotion, I decided to buy two pairs from them; one in olive (the one I'm wearing) and a plain black pair. They're so comfy, opaque and versatile! I've tried various outfit combinations and I cannot wait to wear them out, hehe. Have a good weekend everyone! x

Monday, March 28

.. To The Beach?

Shot using Canon 700D, edited using Adobe Photoshop CS6.

I guess random plans make the best plans?

Saturday night, I texted Syaz telling her I felt like going to the beach - I needed a break, from my so-called boring daily routine. Thus, as usual.. she just went with the flow, lol. The next day, packed some food, picked Suraya and her up and off we went to the beach. Besides being disturbed by three men who gave us a bag of chips (The note that came with said that our beach tent was missing something - which was them, lol I hurled), we just sat and watched people enjoy the waves while eating food. Dipped our toes in the sea water and enjoyed mending our shawls as it was being swept gently by the sea breeze. Though the weather was hot, the breeze and smell of sea was pretty cooling. 

& I finally cured my years of yam wafer ice-cream craving. What a better way to end the week. 

Thursday, March 17

22 Things About The Boy Who Turned 22

Last Sunday was Amir's birthday. He turned twenty two.  So since he turned twenty two, I'm going to list twenty two things about Amir, seen through my eyes.

  1. I've known this boy ever since we were thirteen, and we became close when we were sixteen. If anyone were to asked whether the both of us would expect ending up together at that age - both of us would immediately answer, "no".
  2. When I was in Form One, a classmate of mine told me about this "handsome" boy who was in 1 Inovative. So one day, since we were both bored, we walked around our school block. We passed by 1 Inovative and she was pointing to the so-called "handsome" boy. It was Amir - and at that time, I was disappointed.
  3. It was because at that time he wasn't my type ok (!!) I never found Amir attractive. In fact, I never fell in love with his face - like most kids in school. I only found him to be handsome once I started dating him. Honest here. Some of my friends used to catch glances at him in school and I'd always be wondering.. why.
  4. Amir makes the lamest jokes, and he says "cey" after each of his joke expecting people to laugh. However, you can know whether or not your joke is really funny/mediocre based on his laugh. If he laughs in a high pitched tone which suddenly ends with him trying to catch his breath while covering his mouth (usually with a fist), then ma man, your joke was one heck of a funny joke. 
  5. He's really good in playing football and futsal. He'll tell you he isn't. But he really is good at it.
  6. Bring a cockroach near him, and its equivalent to a near death experience. Once, Pau, Amir and I were walking to a restaurant when a cockroach appeared out of nowhere. The both of them started screaming and pushing me to the middle of the road - I could have died. Don't get me started with flying cockroaches.
  7. Amir's favourite radio station is Sinar FM. When you ride his car, it's the only radio station he allows you to listen. Touch the control and he'd change it back to Sinar FM. Regardless of advertisements and long chatty DJ's. 
  8. He used to run in high school too. However, during his last Sport's Day, I don't know what the hell happened to him (either he almost fainted or he sprained his ankle), he had to be carried out of the track using a stretcher. 
  9. And the fact that he is family oriented. He always, always puts his family first. I think this is trait I like most about him. Yup.
  10. He is one of the most humble people I know. He always reminds me to be wise when it comes to spending habits and to only buy when necessary. 
  11. Which brings to fact number eight: he is a cheapskate, which is the direct opposite of what I am. He only spends lavishly once a year. And he'll use that item, for one whole year - or until it can't be used, lol. 
  12. He is annoyed with my Pinoy obsession. For eg: a few minutes ago, I threw a tantrum at him because he said my favourite pinoy wasn't pretty enough for his liking.
  13. But he always knows how to make me laugh. Because after I ended the Facetime call, he repeatedly called me until I picked up. Everytime I did, he kept repeating "Kilig ako" (Kilig is a term used when you feel lovey dovey - yes, in tagalog).
  14. One time, I was hungry and Amir sneaked out his parent's car just to bring me out to eat. He got scolded for that - but I was happy, because damn that Nasi Goreng USA was good. 
  15. Speaking of food, who needs McDelivery when you have Amir. Regardless of the time, 10PM to 2AM, whenever he's out and I am hungry, he would usually make the effort to send me food. Which is love... food is love.
  16. Amir's favourite sushi is Inari. He also likes Salmon Sashimi. He started discovering the beauty of Japanese cuisine when we became best-friends. Now, I'm slowly influencing the little ones in his family to love Japanese cuisine too - Keisya, is adapting well with my new ideology, lol.
  17. He likes to complain about my driving. But it's okay, because I like it when he drives. So I don't have to hear him nag. 
  18. He likes to steal my pink Pilot mechanical pencils in school and claim it to be his. I stopped buying pink ones after he stole two of mine. 
  19. When we were in Form Four, he sat behind me during exams. We were placed by the window which was the best place since teachers never really cared about those who sat at the front by the window. He'd kick my chair for answers and we'd have signal codes for objective questions. For subjective, I'd write answers on an eraser and pass it to him - patut la SPM tak berkat langsung, hahaha.
  20. He's good at snooker/pool too (!!) However, I'd always scold him whenever I'm busy blabbing to him on Skype and I'd see the reflection of his laptop screen showing YouTube videos of people playing the sport. I used to not understand the hype, until one night in Bristol, Amir brought Ajim, Syaz and I to a sport's bar to play. I kinda understand why the game is addictive now, huu.
  21. He knows how to read and speak Korean. But let's not delve into that topic shall we. My head might be chopped off tomorrow if we did. 
  22. Honestly, fact number twenty two: He is honestly the best person to ever come into my life. The many lessons we've gone through together; good or bad, I'm always certain that at the end of the day, he'll be there. And it's the most comfortable feeling, ever. 
One negative factor about being in a long distance relationship is being unable to spend special occasions physically together - and honestly, being seeing him, face to face, is the thing I miss most. Last year, I managed to collaborate with his family and friends to send him a huge care package. I asked a friend of mine in the UK to help surprise him with it, but to do that again this year would be costly and he strongly rejected the idea. So I guess I'll just wait for him to come back.. before we celebrate.. or do anything.. cause honestly, so many birthdays spent together, my brain is slowing down of ideas on what to do, leuls.

Always, always, anticipating the days till he comes back and some nights, missing his annoying face can be worse than others. Hopefully, this is the last year we celebrate any special occasion miles apart. Lots and lots of love. Happy birthday, bie ♡. 

Wednesday, March 16

Talks Over Bowls of Ramen and Plates of Sushi

Hellu. So I had dinner with Filzah and Faa today! I haven't seen Faa in two years (yes.. time has no chill) where as Filzah, boleh dikatakan selalu jugak lah jumpa. Lols. We had sushi, because I love sushi and I have been craving for Sushi Zanmai for soooo long. So my tummy is very, very happy right now. Anyway, whenever I see Filzah, besides having the normal light conversations, there will always be conversations which make me realize, reflect and learn from them. Soo, I decided to share them here, you know just as a reference for myself and for anyone reading.

1. It's normal to feel stagnant.
I expressed to them about how I felt like I wasn't progressing or going anywhere where as the people around me were achieving things. I felt lost and in a way stuck, pondering what about me? What will I achieve? Will I catch up? Filzah said, that it's normal to feel that way. In fact, she says that feeling stagnant will be something that I may face numerous times when growing up. Something like levels, just for you to buck up, gather back all your confidence and strength to face the world again.

2. Sincerity in actions.
We talked about Filzah's friend, someone who is currently fighting for the betterment of our nation and our country. His sincerity in doing so, despite having to put his future and reputation on the line made me question, "what have I done for Malaysia?". Honestly, I was always the girl who wanted to leave my own country as I have never saw myself being put to one place. But tonight's conversation made me feel like I should be part of the change. Filzah's friend doesn't earn anything for doing so and I applaud him for his pledge to save the nation. I adore his bravery and I am pretty sure, 95% of us, "golongan belia" are behind him and his fight. Hearing his story made me motivated to put 100% in whatever I do, or plan to do. It inspired me to hopefully one day, have as much influence to make a positive impact and change the world, one day (InshaAllah).

Syaz came over around midnight to just chill at my driveway. Again, I discussed with her some of the topics which I had gone through during dinner with the girls. It was nice to hear her input on some of the topics since we were basically on the same page about everything. Although, I was disappointed I did not get my Burger Ramly as promised (!!!) it was nice to see her even for awhile.

Like I've said on Snapchat, I'm blessed and grateful for the company I surround myself with. It's nice to be around people who speak their mind, and are open towards criticism and other people's opinions. I appreciate having friends those who make to see me and those who spare a few minutes of their day to make small conversations with me; asking how I am, or what I have been up to. Friends who genuinely care, to be honest, are the best type of friends and I couldn't be any happier with the ones I have now.

Sunday, February 28

For You, Samlyn Patch

Yesterday was a sad day. My twelve year old cat, Sam, passed away. We never considered Sam as a pet. In fact, Sam was treated as a little brother in the family. He used to be fat, and lazy. He loved to play hide and seek. Perhaps since my legs are like twigs, he'd chase me all around the house. I loved to annoy Sam. Sometimes, I think he hates me because all I ever do is disturb him.

But Sam was always there, for all of us. Especially when I was sad. I would just curl up next to Sam, and he'd lay next to me as if he understood how I was feeling. All my friends knew Sam because he had been in my life for so long. When people came over, they'd always ask where Sam was. When he was around, they'd laugh at him for being fat, pet him, and even say good bye.

I guess, every living thing has its limit.

We noticed Sam's body slowly deteriorate when he lost so much weight. A sight I would never want to remember would be Sam, skinny to a point we could see his ribcage. My dad told me to let him out one day, just so he could escape being confined indoors and my neighbour's never ending renovation noise. Around evening, I went out to check on him and he was gone. He only came back that night, patiently waiting at the driveway for my mum to open the gate. My dad said he thinks Sam miraculously took up all his energy to climb up our tall backyard gate because he may have wanted to see the outdoors for the last time - I think so too.

The next morning, Sam was in his worst condition. He didn't make a fuss when we lifted him in the cage to bring him to the vet, nor did he react negatively when the vet checked his bladder and gums. We prepared for the worst since the it was all up to whether Sam had the will to fight, or not. We were certain that if it was too painful for him, we'd let him go. But with little hope, we decided to put him on IV drips for a day to see if he could fight for one last time.

27th February 2016, at around 10AM, the doctor called my sister. She said that Sam's body was reacting well with the drips and meds. His state was deteriorating, and she told us that the best option would be to end his pain and put him to sleep. We scheduled the procedure to be done around 3 PM.

2.15 PM, my sister, Thoriq and I, were on our way to the vet. That was when we got a phone call that Sam had passed away naturally, due to kidney failure and apparently a tumour. I guess he didn't want us to see him in pain. I guess that was why he never showed any signs of sickness. We took his body home, closing his eyes, and buried Sam beneath his favourite bench in our backyard.

Sam, I miss you. I always thought you'd at least see me in my graduation robe. Remember how I'd usually complain to you how I hated having to drive in the morning? Or if I was struggling with my assignments, you'd bug me, beside my laptop, sleeping - just to rub it in that you're a cat, and you don't really have responsibilities.

But you know what I miss most of all?

Waking up in the morning, going downstairs and saying good morning to you. I'd kiss you, and sometimes I'd pick you up and dance with you just to annoy you. How I'd kiss your pink tummy because to me, no matter how old you were, I'd always consider you as a baby. And whenever it was time to feed you, all I would have to do is call your name and you'd come running like there's no tomorrow. Every night, I'd wish you goodnight - and how, sometimes when I come home late or go down for a midnight snack, you'd be there on top of Ayah's chest watching TV.

Thank you Sam. I love you. Rest well up there, I'll see you again one day. 

Friday, February 12

20 Random Facts About Me

  1. In high school, most of my friends called me Cha. Some people still call me that nickname, however most of them have reverted to just calling me Aisyah - and I cringe whenever someone who doesn't know me calls me by my nickname.
  2. I majored in Public Relations and Marketing and my convocation is in May. A lot of people ask me how I can finish early compared to my other peers. I joined my foundation program using my trial results which meant by the time my SPM results came out, I was already almost done with my first semester of foundation. 
  3. I have a sister who is five years older than me. We're exact opposites. She's currently doing her PhD in Bioengineering. She has a First Degree and Masters Degree in Biomedical Sciences.
  4. I'm a mixture of Negeri Sembilan and Singapore. My mum's a Singaporean while my dad's hometown is in Bahau. However, I was born in Kuala Lumpur. 
  5. I grew up in New York. My dad worked as correspondent journalist for a few years, so the whole family moved there. We came back after 9/11. While we stayed there, my best-friends weren't native New Yorkers. One was from Slovakia (whom I still keep in contact till today), one was a Columbian and one was from Senegal.
  6. My favourite food would be gulai daging salai and gulai telur itik -- and telur dadar. I'm a sucker for Malaysian food, I need to have my rice fix at least once a day.
  7. My favourite colour is grey. This includes all shades of grey - although, disclaimer: I have never, ever, read 50 Shades of Grey (lol). I watched the movie halfway though, and it just bored me.
  8. After I finished my SPM, I was clueless as to what I wanted to study/become in life. Some of my choices include to become an aerospace engineer and to become a lawyer. My arwah Wan (grandmother) said I'd make a great lawyer because I always had an answer to everything - even when it didn't make sense, hahah.
  9. My favourite subjects in school were English (no shit Sherlock), Sejarah and Physics. I was not a pure science student, I was an LK student. I ditched Biology and took Engineering Drawing instead - best decision ever.
  10. My least favourite subject in school was Chemistry and Maths (yes, this includes both Mod Maths and Add Maths). See why my sister and I are opposites? 
  11. I can easily cut people off my life. For eg: usually when I know someone has been talking behind my back or accusing me of things I don't do, I'd just disconnect with them and act as if they've never existed in my life. If you're close to me - you'd know how good I am with this.
  12. I dislike people who are bitter. I find that every experience which happens to you good/bad serves as a lesson for you to become a better person. If it has caused you trauma/paranoia/anything else related, never blame another person. I always blame myself for allowing bad things to happen to me even when it wasn't caused by me.
  13. My guilty pleasure is watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I don't care what people say about them, I find them entertaining. Plus have you guys seen how organised Khloe is?!
  14. My favourite snack is kerepek pedas. I once chased a Mak Cik Kerepek with my car because I wanted to buy them. She laughed of course, but I made her day because she said it's not often that people were willing to chase her just for the sake of kerepek pedas, hhehe. 
  15. I have trust issues. It used to be easy for me to open up to people but as the years have passed, I became more reserved and tend to hold things in.
  16. Speaking of holding things in, its a habit which I dislike about myself. I can explode anytime and feel empty towards things easily because I keep a lot of things bottled up inside my heart/head.
  17. Oh, I got accepted to my dream university a few weeks back. It's the same university which my dad went to study journalism. Though I'll be studying a different course. Someone once told me there's no point in having a Masters Degree but no work experience and that I'll end up on the streets despite my qualifications. I don't really care, I don't want to work yet and I feel like studying. You should always respect and motivate a person's dream and not condemn them just because you think differently.
  18. I enjoy late night drives while listening to my playlist called "Chill & Termenung" on Spotify. I like having alone time every night while listening to music and just reminisce the day and have my thoughts ponder around. Its therapeutic. 
  19. I fell in love with my high school best-friend. There's nothing much to explain about that although let me clear it off - he made the first move, even I was weirded off about it in the beginning lol.
  20. I love to prove people wrong. My most favourite person to prove wrong would be.. myself. I'm used to disappointment that I challenge myself to overcome low expectations. It's a sort of motivation, and let me just say, I've happily surprised myself this past year. 

Tuesday, January 26

Fancy Brunch at FBC

I finally came out from my wormhole guys! Woke up early despite sleeping at 4AM to be all dolled up and drive through the bustling and hectic city traffic since I made plans with Farah for brunch. I've been giving her rain-checks for way too many times and believe it or not, it's been a year since we first met during our internship - time flies by way too fast these days! 

Anyway, at first we wanted to try this cafe/restaurant place at Plaza Damas. However, that night I decided to Facebook the place to see the reviews and they were horrible. Had to arrange something else and I've been meaning to try Fancy Breakfast Club for quite some time now, so that's where went.

Bangers and Mash Rolls (U) and Smoked Salmon Clementine Fritters (B).

So, my review?

Basically, the restaurant achieved my expectations perfectly. It's pretty new, so some of the restaurant's interior may be a work in progress but it's clean - no worries. I think they were going for a rustic, minimal interior and ambience though I thoroughly loved it. Perfect for taking Insta-worthy pictures as well since the place had so much natural light coming on.

Okay for food, I contemplated between getting something savoury (which, indeed was the Bangers and Mash Rolls) or something sweet (they have an amazing waffle dish) but since it was almost lunch time, I decided to go for savoury. The rolls were big, in fact for the price, it was a pretty huge serving! The pastry was buttery, and the mashed potatoes were just the way I liked it - mashed but with little bits of chunky potatoes in it. The gravy was delicious too - definitely a must try! Most of the dishes were priced below RM 20 - for its serving, it's worth it.

Staff was friendly! In fact, when I came in, I found out one of my old college friends was working there. He came around several times asking how the food was. The waiter who took my order definitely deserved plus points for recommending the Bangers and Mash Rolls as well. I'd rate this place 4.7/5, definitely a satisfied customer who will come for brunch again.